

Disease and had been hiding in the back of the trouble ass <News Recap "medical home for Everyone"> What is it? Takeshi health entertainment "and Asahi ORICON STYLE! Everybody's family medical news recap "project in collaboration with (broadcast every Tuesday at 8:00 pm). '" This commentary covers the patient's face was one of the "trouble in the ass", we carry a foot up to another hospital, and the subsequent worsening of symptoms from the first visit. I like to review the importance of a second opinion. Even if I go to the hospital for a long time <br> <br>, I "chronic disease" not quite Naora. Some people would know each other well, just very similar symptoms, signs of illness I were totally different? Have you ever think that way. this time to introduce <br> <br> The 40-year-old woman working in the repair shop of clothes. She was bleeding when straining in the toilet that day, I feel a sharp pain in the ass, and verified. Even just sitting in the chair soon, I will get to feel the pain and hooded deep inside the anus. Therefore, the diagnosis of a "wax hemorrhoids early" and seek in the Department of the anus. In the hemorrhoid inside the anus become infected with bacteria such as E. coli, they come to a head, rubbing parts and purulent stool, pain and bleeding out of the typical symptoms. It is said to account for about 10% of patients with hemorrhoids. However <br> <br>, no improvement is seen to continue the medication was prescribed thereafter, he began also like symptoms when you catch a cold further, such as fever and listlessness. Therefore, teacher antegrade Tsuji, who has been treating patients ass up to now more than 100 000 people visited several hospitals, had finally arrived finally,m3i zero  今回富士通研では、仮想基盤のハイパーバイザー, (anal surgery hospital deputy director Takano). Was subjected to palpation of the anus with a finger, although suppuration indeed, bulging like that swelling was confirmed, that the "dent less than a few millimeters" is supposed to be wax hemorrhoids almost does not touch the finger Tsuji you feel the teacher is instructing the anus echocardiography and blood tests. As a result, it was "leukemia," she revealed. I was able to discover precisely because Mr. Tsuji also able to sense a slight abnormality of the anus with a finger. Of course, financially, for many around the hospital when they suffer quite difficult to talk <br> <br> "disease in the ass", it is not hard to imagine the burden in terms of spirit. However, if I do not get a second opinion ... if. Because it was an early stage, treated in the hospital professional, if she went to the recovery. cases like her might <br> <br> rare. However, people who have not seen improvements to the long illness, been going to the hospital, try to listen to opinions other than your doctor at once? [Articles] if I got sick, insurance okay now? There are no nerves in the rectum ranking medical insurance! (September 11, 12) there is a signal of any trouble in the ass hard to recognize? Undue stress people face dandruff satisfaction rankings "type insurance shop visit",8365; want to try counseling high risk of premature death in the cause of cerebral infarction first ...! ? (Sun 12 May '06)

