
Mr. O Chi

"Thousands of former youth > beautiful TV first public foot and small data and Party
the TV Tokyo broadcast variety show "big hands" (TV Tokyo weekly Saturday night one twenty ~), funny combination "thousands of original brothers" thousands of former Youth's home TV was first disclosed that 11 day, clear.Mr Chihara's appearance is 12 days of late-night radio.

[Photos] television series first open thousands of original children's home

"chunk" ", where" than are very interesting!"For the purpose, Mr. Chihara, Mr. O Chi, funny combination "football time and staff every time a variety of experimental planning challenge variety show.

12 days late night radio, little data and Mr. football peak originally did not know Mr. Chihara debut.So Bonenkai to venue reservation, "emergency force planning have sweat." ", football peak rock tail Wang's birthday Party program Bonenkai, Mr. Chihara's home for.......The television debut of Mr. Chihara's own home, color rendering of the walls, retro and switch the tap, all corners of liberal.Small and Mr. et al, the party looking for a start.......

Chihara's home looks and party tricks, 12 night one twenty start playing.(Daily News [] digital) Association reported thousands of former youth: "the plan" the challenges of the new program "residual high reduction" smile "is a highball" thousands of original have: "I very like!"After Andouble summers late and 1 night 2 bedroom flat-share thousands of former youth: "nevus!"Sun president nomination CM decided to appreciate thousands of former youth: a new love is "no" the autobiography autograph thousands of former youth: "mystery solved!Strong appeal "the big trail!The news continued to "fourth bomb
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